A cousin brought home from Europe some Mulberry handbags. My friends were excited to see them. The Mulberry handbags were smart-looking and elegant, so they all wanted to have one. The colors were so nice, and designs so unique, that you just can’t help but fall in love with the Michel Kors Hamilton outlet . In less than ten minutes all the ten Mulberry handbags were sold. I almost got mad because none was left for me.
My cousin decided to order more Mulberry bags from UK. She sent an e-mail to her husband, instructing him what to buy and how to send them to the Philippines. When my other friends heard about it, they became excited and told my cousin to reserve each of them a bag. I was afraid all the Michel kors handbags online would be taken again, so I vowed to myself that when the Mulberry handbags arrive, I would be the first to pick out what I wanted.
After a month, the awaited package arrived from UK. I did not tell my friends that the Mulberry bags arrived. I decided to get my pick first before I would announce their arrival.